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<div class="et_pb_module et_pb_pricing clearfix et_pb_pricing_1 et_pb_pricing_tables_0"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="et_pb_pricing_table et_pb_pricing_table_0"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="et_pb_pricing_heading"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h2 class="et_pb_pricing_title">Gate Components</h2><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p></p></div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="et_pb_pricing_content_top"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <span class="et_pb_et_price"><img class="services-images" src="https://www.drgaragedoorrepair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/gate-components-box-section-300x169.jpg" alt="Garage Door Springs and Cables" ></span><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><!-- .et_pb_pricing_content_top --></p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="gate-content-box"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <ul class="et_pb_pricing"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Access Controls</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Card Readers</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Intercoms</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Entry Systems</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Hinges</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Posts</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Latches</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Safety Devices</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </ul><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <div class="et_pb_button_module_wrapper et_pb_module et_pb_button_alignment_center"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <a class="et_pb_button et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_light" href="https://www.drgaragedoorrepair.com/gate-repair-agoura-hills/#components">Read More</a><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <p></p></div>
<div class="et_pb_module et_pb_pricing clearfix et_pb_pricing_1 et_pb_pricing_tables_0"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="et_pb_pricing_table et_pb_pricing_table_0"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="et_pb_pricing_heading"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h2 class="et_pb_pricing_title">Gate Materials</h2><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p></p></div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="et_pb_pricing_content_top"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <span class="et_pb_et_price"><img class="services-images" src="https://www.drgaragedoorrepair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/gate-materials-box-300x169.jpg" alt="Garage Door Repair Services" ></span><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><!-- .et_pb_pricing_content_top --></p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="gate-content-box"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <ul class="et_pb_pricing"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Wrought Iron Gates</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Wood Gates</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Iron Gates</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Posts</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Hinges</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Sensors</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Catchers</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <li class="gate-list"><span>Gate Plates</span></li><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </ul><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <div class="et_pb_button_module_wrapper et_pb_module et_pb_button_alignment_center"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <a class="et_pb_button et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_light" href="https://www.drgaragedoorrepair.com/gate-repair-agoura-hills/#materials">Read More</a><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <p></p></div>
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Gate Repair Port Hueneme

Professional & Prompt Service

Gate Repair Port HuenemeYou should never let just anybody work on your gate. Problems can arise later if not dealt with by a professional like our specialists here at DR Gate Repair Port Hueneme. We provide excellent service for any of your gate needs. Whether you have a slide or swing gate, even if it’s automated or manual. We can work with any of your gate’s specifications. This includes wrought iron, wood and much more. Not to mention, we can repair, replace or install an intercom or motor to make having a gate much easier.

Our repair service is second to none with licensed professionals that can work on all modern and classic gates. Including motor systems and intercom systems. From brands like LiftMaster, Elite, DoorKing and much more. To schedule an appointment to repair any issue your gate may have encountered, give us a call today!

We also provide installation services for a huge variety of gates. This includes different custom styles and components to standard commercial gates. No matter what gate you require or would like to have we can provide you with the materials and expertise required to get the job done, and done right. Not only can we install gates we can also install new motors and intercom systems for your entire gate system.

Automatic Gate Repair

Automatic Gate RepairWe provide installation and repair service for automatic gates. This includes slide and swing gates, for both commercial and residential properties. The selection available to you is almost limitless from custom design to standard wrought iron gate installations with a motor. Of course this includes both swinging and sliding gates. If you decide to go forward with a swing gate we can automate it for you at a very competitive price. We work with all major gate motor and intercom system brands which include but are not limited to LiftMaster, DoorKing, Linear, FAAC, and Elite.

If you’re looking to have a repair or installation services give us a call today. Our services are available to Port Hueneme and the surrounding areas. You can count on us to offer comprehensive service at competitive prices.

Swing & Slide Gate Repair

Swing Gate RepairThese gates are the most popular by far amongst home and business owners. For the purpose of securing your home or business both generally do the same work but depending on the available space, one could be more effective than the other. Although, if there is enough space available for both options it becomes a decision of personal preference. No matter what you decide on or what you have installed we can repair or install exactly what you need.

In the case of custom gates, we can install automated or manual gates. If you would like a custom gate we have different components that can be welded on to get the custom gate you’ve always dreamed of. Some of these components include:

  • Railheads
  • Baskets
  • Bushes & Collars
  • Post Tops, Caps & Urns
  • Scrolls
  • Steel Spheres & Hemispheres
  • Circles & Rings
  • Balustrade & Railing Bars
  • Handrail Sections
  • Hammered Tube
  • Punched & Holed Bars
  • Decorative Bars
  • & Much More!

Slide Gate RepairCustom gates can add a level of beauty to your place of business or home. The options appear limitless and you can get a gate that’s like no other. As the list above shows there’s a plenty of options available to get exact gate you’ve always dreamed of. Not only would you get the security of having a gate but you would also have the beauty of a custom gate. To schedule an appointment, give us a call today!

Standard wrought iron gates help increase the security of your home or business. We have experience installing commercial and residential standard gates to improve the security of the property. Our technicians have years of experience and will deliver prompt, professional and friendly service.

Whatever your gates needs may be DR Gate Repair Port Hueneme can service whatever you need, give us a call today.

Gate Motor Repair

Gate Motor RepairGate motors or operators are an essential component to make your gate operate smoothly. There are a number of off-brand operators and motors that are not expensive but we only work with trusted brands. The reason for this is because the motors on the off-brand operators are not engineered with longevity in mind. Meaning they are more likely to break down after a short period of time.

We work with brands like:

Of those brands we often recommend LiftMaster. They are the most advanced and longest lasting from our experience. Not to mention, the newer models offer the MyQ technology. To put it simply, using the MyQ application you can open your gate. Not only that, the app will allow you to see if your gate is open or closed.

Gate motors have incrementing power, from 1/2 to 2 horsepower motors.  Depending on the size and weight of your gate you could require more horsepower or you might have more than you need. Our technicians will measure and weigh your gate to get you exactly the motor you need.

Sliding Gate Motors are generally installed on the ground. Depending on the size and weight of your gate you may require a 1/2 or a 2 horsepower motor. Newer slide gate motors include Entrapment Protection Devices to prevent possibly getting crushed by the gate. The motors are usually equipped with a backup battery if the power goes out.  Not to mention, you can have your gate motor powered by a solar panel.

Swing Gate Motors usually have what is known as a swing arm. It will fold as it moves to open the gate. If you have a swing gate we can install a motor that can make owning a swing gate a lot easier. New swing gate motor models are also equipped with Entrapment Protection devices. They will be located on both ends of the gate. They help to prevent collisions with the gates, as well as the gate closing while a car or a person is in the way. If you would like to upgrade your gate or have your existing opener repaired give us a call today!

Barrier Gate Motors are normally installed on toll roads or commercial properties. They’re used to control the flow of vehicles and are more cost-effective than having a big gate that could take several seconds to operate. In other words, for heavy-traffic applications, they are a much better option. These openers on average can operate 1-2 million cycles before they require repair. Not to mention, it can function under all weather conditions.

Solar Gate OperatorsSolar Gate Operators are now available! Not only can you save on your energy cost for operating your gate but you can also get Solar Tax Credit for homeowners that use solar powered systems in their homes. There are a lot of reasons to have a solar gate operator installed. We can install and service existing solar gate operators. If you’re interested give us a call at (877) 216-4132 today!

Security Gate Repair

Security Gate RepairSecurity gates apply to all the different gate types. Including overhead, storefront and barrier gates. Generally, all gates will increase the security of your home or business. Adding a gate to your property can offer a sense of security to keep your guests and possessions safe. We also install fencing around your property if it does not already exist.

Overhead Gates are commonly found on commercial properties or apartment complexes. They function the same way a one-piece garage door would operate. Depending on the setup of the gate a motor or multiple motors may be installed to allow the gate to operate without an issue. If you are interested in installing or having your overhead gate repaired give us a call today.

Storefront Gates come in a variety of styles. Some are folding gates that have an opening to install a padlock to secure it. While others have locks built directly into the folding gate. There are also roll up gates like the ones commonly found in shopping malls and other businesses. We can install or repair any issue you have with any storefront gate you have. If you would like our professional service give us a call today!

Barrier Gates are found in a variety of businesses that regulate the flow of traffic. They are commonly found in parking garages around town. Barrier gates are automated by a motor on a post to allow the arm to swing up to allow cars in. These gates are very reliable and can operate for several years without requiring repair. Although, if your barrier gate requires service give us a call to have your gate working as soon as possible.

If you are interested in installing any of the gates or gates motors seen above, give us a call to get our professional technicians to install a beautiful new gate. As mentioned above, we also offer repair services to service all existing gates.

Gate Services
  • Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Aluminum Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Automatic Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Barrier Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Driveway Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Electric Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Access Control System Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Cantilever Track Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Cantilever Wheel Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Card Reader Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Catcher Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Electrical Wire Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Entry System Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Hinge Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Intercom System Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Latch Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Loop Detector Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Motherboard Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Motor Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Opener Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Operator Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Photo Eyes Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Plate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Post Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Remote Control Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Safety Device Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Safety Loop Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Sensor Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Telephone Entry System Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Track Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate V-Shaped Wheel Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate V-Track Repair Port Hueneme
  • Gate Welding Service Port Hueneme
  • Gate Wheel Repair Port Hueneme
  • Iron Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Overhead Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Rod Iron Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Slide Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Slide Gate Wheel Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Gate Electrical Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Gate Motor Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Gate Operator Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Panel Gate Motor Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Panel Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Powered Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Slide Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Solar Swing Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Storefront Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Swing Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Swing Gate Wheel Repair Port Hueneme
  • Wood Gate Repair Port Hueneme
  • Wooden Gate Repair Port Hueneme

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  • Gate Repair Port Hueneme Services
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